Friday 28 September 2018

Kuantan 1938

Kuantan, Bus Stop at its main steet (Jalan Besa) - Year 1938 > National Archives.
FB: Vijaya Kumar Ganapathy

Tawau 1910

British North Borneo - Main Road, Tawau, 1910.
Pic > Postcard by Funk & Sons.
FB: Vijaya Kumar Ganapathy


Makkah stands on its own as the most sacred place in Islam. It is the destination of all Muslims to fulfill Hajj, the fifth main Islamic pillar. Makkah and Madinah witnessed the very precious early moments of Islam: the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the revelation of the Quran. Makkah is the center of the three Abrahamic faiths. It contains the Kaabah–the first House built for the worship of Allah. As for Madinah, it hosts the grave of Prophet Muhammad.

Friday 14 September 2018

Kutu Kepala

He he he...orang zaman dulu, duduk petang petang dan cari kutu. La ni tak ada orang buat. Shampoo dah canggih canggih, kutu habis mati...
Kredit: KRT Tanjung

Brunei old picture

credit to Heritage page by yunos 40-50 years ago: FB Brunei Community

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Kelab Shell Lutong Miri Sarawak

3 buah gambar yang menunjukan keadaan asal bangunan Klab Shell Lutong di Miri Sarawak. Tidak ada maklumat pada tahun bila gambar ini di ambil.